What Richard Did

What Richard Did

What Richard Did follows Richard Karlsen (Jack Reynor), golden-boy athlete and undisputed alpha-male of his privileged set of South Dublin teenagers, through the summer between the end of school and the beginning of university. The world is bright and everything seems possible, until in one summer night Richard does something that destroys it all and shatters the lives of the people closest to him. Featuring extraordinary performances from its mainly young cast, What Richard Did ..



Jack is a young boy of 5 years old who has lived all his life in one room. He believes everything within it are the only real things in the world. But what will happen when his Ma suddenly tells him that there are other things outside of Room?

Adam & Paul

Adam & Paul

This movie follows a day in the life of two Dublin Heroin addicts, Adam and Paul. Adam is the taller and slightly smarter of the two while Paul is his sidekick. Since they were small boys, Adam and Paul have withered into two hopeless, desperate Dublin junkies, tied together by habit and necessity



Zonad (Simon Delaney) is from space…probably. Or so the Cassidy family assume when they discover an apparent alien in a shiny red space suit and helmet passed out on the living room floor beside the drinks cabinet. The Cassidys and the people of Ballymoran make the intriguing visitor feel very welcome (and in the case of mother Mary, Donna Dent, and teenage minx Jenny, Janice Byrne, they make him feel very welcome indeed). At first, ..

You’re Ugly Too

You’re Ugly Too

After her mother’s death, Stacey moves with her uncle Will to a remote region in the Irish midlands. As the two cautiously get to know each other, they have to deal with the dark shadows of the past

Wake Wood

Wake Wood

The parents of a girl who was killed by a savage dog are granted the opportunity to spend three days with their deceased daughter

The Secret of Kells

The Secret of Kells

Adventure awaits 12 year old Brendan who must fight Vikings and a serpent god to find a crystal and complete the legendary Book of Kells. In order to finish Brother Aiden’s book, Brendan must overcome his deepest fears on a secret quest that will take him beyond the abbey walls and into the enchanted forest where dangerous mythical creatures hide. Will Brendan succeed in his quest?

The O’Briens

The O’Briens

Two years after the death of his beloved wife, Pat O’Brien (Tommy O’Neil) summons his children back to their homestead in the west of Ireland. Fionn (Liam McMahon) travels from New York, Gareth (Emmett Hughes) from London, and daughter Una (Slaine Kelly) returns from Dublin, fearing the worst. Pat is not the only family member bearing the burden of a secret. The O’Briens is a modern comedy about a dysfunctional Irish family and the town ..

The Guard

The Guard

An unorthodox Irish policeman with a confrontational personality is teamed up with an uptight FBI agent to investigate an international drug-smuggling ring