The Rising of the Moon

Poster for the movie "The Rising of the Moon"

The Rising of the Moon (1957)

81 min - Comedy, Drama - 10 August 1957
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Three vignettes of old Irish country life, based on a series of short stories. In "The Majesty of the Law," a police officer must arrest a very old-fashioned, traditional fellow for assault. The man's principles have the policeman and the whole village, including the man he slugged, sympathizing with him. "One Minute's Wait" is about an little train station and glimpses into the lives of the passengers, with a series of comic setups. The third piece is called "1921" and is about a condemned Irish nationalist and his daring escape. Tyrone Power introduces each story.

Director:  John Ford


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Three vignettes of old Irish country life, based on a series of short stories. In "The Majesty of the Law," a police officer must arrest a very old-fashioned, traditional fellow for assault. The man's principles have the policeman and the whole village, including the man he slugged, sympathizing with him. "One Minute's Wait" is about an little train station and glimpses into the lives of the passengers, with a series of comic setups. The third piece is called "1921" and is about a condemned Irish nationalist and his daring escape. Tyrone Power introduces each story.

Collections: John Ford

Genres: Comedy, Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   Ireland United States of America
Language:  English
Release Date:  10 August 1957

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Four Provinces Films

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 21 min