The Stag

Poster for the movie "The Stag"

The Stag (2013)

94 min - Comedy - 10 September 2013
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At his fiancée’s urging, a very modern Irish groom-to-be reluctantly agrees to a stag weekend with his friends, camping in the western wilderness of Ireland. Much to their chagrin, these modern men are joined by the brother of the bride, a crazy, unpredictable alpha male known as “The Machine”, and an explosive Id to their collective Ego. The Machine is a force of nature, and under his leadership, the men—stripped of modern comfort, convenience and, finally, clothing—must begin their journey into the wild.

Director:  John Butler


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At his fiancée’s urging, a very modern Irish groom-to-be reluctantly agrees to a stag weekend with his friends, camping in the western wilderness of Ireland. Much to their chagrin, these modern men are joined by the brother of the bride, a crazy, unpredictable alpha male known as “The Machine”, and an explosive Id to their collective Ego. The Machine is a force of nature, and under his leadership, the men—stripped of modern comfort, convenience and, finally, clothing—must begin their journey into the wild.

Collections: John Butler

Genres: Comedy


Official Website: 
Country:   Ireland
Language:  English
Release Date:  10 September 2013

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Treasure Entertainment

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 34 min